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    Clip Description

    AltSiren and Lavinia coming home from work but AltSiren wants to be with Lavinia one last time. They sit on the bed and start a very long and hot kissing.

    After the kissing they get changed for sleep and continue the kissing.Then AltSiren give a good night kiss to Lavinia mouth and then she said to her sorry but i wanna break up with you because I have a new girlfriend and love her.
    Lavinia gets angry and starts to confront with AltSiren but AltSiren ask Lavinia to calm down and understand her but Lavinia still angry.
    AltSiren asks Lavinia to sleep on it and speak again in the morning. Lavinia agrees, but AltSiren doesn't want to start again in the morning. She decide to kill Lavinia because she don't understand her she doesn't have other choice.

    After Lavinia start sleeping on her back, AltSiren gets up and starts thinking how she can kill Lavinia with no evidence on her body. AltSiren decides to smother her she start to look around and than she touch the pillow AltSiren will smother Lavinia with a pillow.

    AltSiren carefully grabs the pillow from the bed sit on her and push into Lavinia face strongly ands start to smother her Lavinia starts fighting and struggling under the pillow but AltSiren pushing the pillow into her face to kill her but Lavinia still fighting and struggling and Lavinia push away the pillow and says please I don’t want to die but AltSiren push the pillow back strongly to hold her down with the pillow AltSiren hold up the pillow to Lavinia face to cut off the air totally from Lavinia she said to her really sorry but i dont have other choice to breaking up wit you Lavinia still fighting and struggling but she start to getting weak AltSiren getting angry and push the pillow strongly into her face.
    Lavinia stop moving after 5 minute of fighting then AltSiren push the pillow few time strongly into her face to be sure she is dead then she keeps the pillow on her face a few seconds then very slowly lifting the pillow to see her face AltSiren see her eyes wildly open and mouth to then she check her pulse to get sure she is dead.

    AltSiren put back her on the bed lie on back and then AltSiren make with her some photo for memory with her phone and than starts a long playing with her body undress her to topless and start kisses her on the lips, suck her tits kiss her belly and her feet then hug her and start sleeping.
    The body please not be turned when AltSiren sleep please the body lie on back with wildly open eyes and mouth

    In the morning AltSiren give her a last kiss for goodbye and then she puts on make up and leaves the room.

    Clip Duration:      26 minutes
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    PSYCHO ROOMMATE - INTRO (3 minutes)
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FOOT PLAY (3 minutes)
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When she finish she put her boots back then let the body on the bed then Altsiren leaves the room

PANS (3 minutes)
Showing her dead face and her body 3 minute long after Altsiren leave the room

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